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English translation of gobernar

to govern

The Spanish verb 'gobernar' translates to 'to govern' in English. It pertains to the exercise of authority in controlling an organization, country or state. The term is commonly used in the context of political power. In use, an example could be: 'El presidente gobierna el país', which translates as 'The president governs the country'.

Example sentences using: gobernar

El presidente planea gobernar con firmeza.

English translation of El presidente planea gobernar con firmeza.

The president plans to govern firmly.

This sentence is conveying the future plans of a president. 'Gobernar' is the infinitive form of the verb 'to govern'. In this case, it is used to express future intentions or plans. 'Con firmeza' means 'firmly' and it is describing the manner in which the president plans to govern.

No es fácil gobernar un país.

English translation of No es fácil gobernar un país.

It is not easy to govern a country.

This sentence is using 'gobernar' to express a general assertion or opinion about the difficulty of governing a country. In Spanish, the infinitive form of the verb 'to govern' can be used after 'es' (is) when expressing broad, impersonal statements like this one.

Ellos quieren gobernar la ciudad.

English translation of Ellos quieren gobernar la ciudad.

They want to govern the city.

This statement is expressing the desires or intentions of 'they'. 'Gobernar' is the infinitive form of the verb 'to govern'. In Spanish, when talking about desires or wants, 'querer' (to want) is often followed by an infinitive verb such as 'gobernar'.

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