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glóbulo blanco

English translation of glóbulo blanco

white blood cell

The term 'glóbulo blanco' in Spanish translates to 'white blood cell' in English. White blood cells are cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious diseases and foreign invaders. They form a major part of the body's immune response, playing various roles in the detection, destruction, and removal of harmful substances or organisms. They are created in the bone marrow and stored in the body's blood and lymph tissues.

Example sentences using: glóbulo blanco

El glóbulo blanco se defiende contra infecciones.

English translation of El glóbulo blanco se defiende contra infecciones.

The white blood cell defends against infections.

This sentence emphasizes the role of white blood cells in defending the body from infections. It is used to illustrate the biological function of white blood cells.

Un glóbulo blanco puede ser significativo de una infección.

English translation of Un glóbulo blanco puede ser significativo de una infección.

A white blood cell can be indicative of an infection.

This sentence implies that an increase in white blood cell count can be indicative of an infection in the body. It is often used in medical discussions.

El conteo de glóbulo blanco en su sangre es alto.

English translation of El conteo de glóbulo blanco en su sangre es alto.

The white blood cell count in your blood is high.

This statement is often used in medical scenarios to inform a patient that their white blood cell count is high, which could potentially indicate an ongoing infection or disease in the body.

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