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giro prohibido

English translation of giro prohibido

prohibited turn

The phrase 'giro prohibido' in Spanish translates to 'prohibited turn' in English. Essentially, this phrase is often used in traffic contexts to indicate that a specific turn or direction is not allowed. For example, you might see a traffic sign with this phrase informing that turning to a certain road or lane is prohibited due to various reasons such as road works, one-way road among other reasons. Understanding such phrases can be essential especially if you are driving in a Spanish-speaking region.

Example sentences using: giro prohibido

El letrero dice que está en una calle de giro prohibido.

English translation of El letrero dice que está en una calle de giro prohibido.

The sign says that you are on a no-turn road.

This sentence is telling someone what a sign indicates - that they are currently traveling on a road where turns are not allowed.

A causa de un giro prohibido, tuve un accidente de coche.

English translation of A causa de un giro prohibido, tuve un accidente de coche.

Because of an illegal turn, I had a car accident.

This sentence explains a situation where the speaker had a car accident due to making an illegal maneuver such as turning where this action was prohibited.

Ignorar que era un giro prohibido me costó una multa.

English translation of Ignorar que era un giro prohibido me costó una multa.

Ignoring that it was a forbidden turn cost me a fine.

In this scenario, the speaker did not take heed that a certain type of turn was against the rules and has been penalized in the form of a fine as a result.

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