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girar (un planeta)

English translation of girar (un planeta)

spin (a planet)

The Spanish word 'girar' translates to 'spin' in English. Specifically, when used in the context of 'un planeta', it refers to the rotation of a planet. Just as a planet spins on its axis in our galaxy, 'girar' describes this astronomical phenomenon. It is commonly used in both scientific and everyday conversations to talk about the motion of celestial bodies. In a larger context, it can also be used to describe the movement around an axis or center point.

Example sentences using: girar (un planeta)

¿Cómo gira un planeta sobre su propio eje?

English translation of ¿Cómo gira un planeta sobre su propio eje?

How does a planet rotate on its own axis?

This question asks about a planet’s rotation, or spin, which determines the length of its day.

Marte gira más lento que la Tierra.

English translation of Marte gira más lento que la Tierra.

Mars rotates slower than Earth.

This phrase compares the rotation speed of Mars and Earth and states that Mars spins at a slower pace.

El planeta Tierra gira alrededor del sol.

English translation of El planeta Tierra gira alrededor del sol.

The planet Earth rotates around the sun.

This sentence describes the rotation of Earth around the sun, which is the basis of our understanding of day and year.

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