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English translation of ginecológico


The term 'ginecológico' in Spanish translates to 'gynecological' in English. It is used to refer to anything related to the branch of physiology and medicine that deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system. It is often used in medical contexts, such as a gynecological examination or a gynecological clinic.

Example sentences using: ginecológico

Doy consulta en un centro ginecológico todos los martes.

English translation of Doy consulta en un centro ginecológico todos los martes.

I give consultation at a gynecological center every Tuesday.

This sentence is saying that the speaker provides consultation (possibly a doctor or nurse), specifically at a gynecological center, on every Tuesday.

El trabajo de mi hermana es atender pacientes en el ginecológico.

English translation of El trabajo de mi hermana es atender pacientes en el ginecológico.

My sister's job is to attend to patients at the gynecologist's office.

In this sentence, the speaker is discussing his or her sister's job, which involves looking after patients at a gynecologist's clinic or office.

Es necesario que realices una visita al ginecológico de manera periódica.

English translation of Es necesario que realices una visita al ginecológico de manera periódica.

It's necessary that you make periodic visits to the gynecologist.

This sentence highlights the importance of regular gynecological check-ups, it is possibly an advice by a doctor or someone knowledgeable about health.

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