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geografía política

English translation of geografía política

political geography

The term 'geografía política' in Spanish translates to 'political geography' in English. Political geography is a field of study concerned with the spatial analysis of political phenomena. It includes studying the spatial structures and processes associated with the functioning of political systems and the study of geographical influences on political behavior. The term is used to explain the politics and geography of a particular region or area.

Example sentences using: geografía política

La geografía política a menudo estudia las fronteras entre países.

English translation of La geografía política a menudo estudia las fronteras entre países.

Political geography often studies the borders between countries.

This phrase shows how the term 'geografía política' is used in the context of studies or academic research. It makes a general statement about what political geography often involves.

Geografía política es una disciplina fundamental para entender las relaciones internacionales.

English translation of Geografía política es una disciplina fundamental para entender las relaciones internacionales.

Political geography is a fundamental discipline for understanding international relations.

This sentence positions 'geografía política' as an integral field of study for anyone trying to understand international relations. It illustrates the importance and applicability of political geography.

El mapa mundial cambia constantemente debido a la geografía política.

English translation of El mapa mundial cambia constantemente debido a la geografía política.

The world map is constantly changing due to political geography.

This depicts 'geografía política' as a dynamic force that plays a part in the changing landscape of the world map. This statement is meant to communicate the transformative nature of political geography.

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