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geografía física

English translation of geografía física

physical geography

The term 'geografía física' in Spanish translates to 'physical geography' in English. Physical geography is a sub-field of geography, and it primarily focuses on studying the natural environment and its components. This includes studying the Earth's various physical features and patterns, such as landforms, climates, soils, vegetation, and water bodies. It is an important discipline that helps us understand the physical characteristics of the Earth and how these characteristics interact and influence human activities.

Example sentences using: geografía física

La geografía física es una disciplina fascinante.

English translation of La geografía física es una disciplina fascinante.

Physical geography is a fascinating discipline.

This phrase is stating that physical geography, which includes landscapes and physical features like mountains or rivers, is an interesting area of study.

Estamos estudiando los glaciares en nuestra clase de geografía física.

English translation of Estamos estudiando los glaciares en nuestra clase de geografía física.

We are studying glaciers in our physical geography class.

This phrase suggests that the speaker and their classmates are learning about glaciers as part of their studies in physical geography, which could also include topics like the process of glaciation.

En geografía física, es importante entender las placas tectónicas.

English translation of En geografía física, es importante entender las placas tectónicas.

In physical geography, it is important to understand tectonic plates.

This phrase suggests that an understanding of tectonic plates, which make up the surface of the Earth and their movement can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, are a major part of physical geography.

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