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English translation of generosidad


The word 'generosidad' in Spanish is used much like its English counterpart, 'generosity'. It refers to the quality of being kind and generous. It can incorporate sharing time, money, or resources with others. It is often used to praise someone's willingness to give or share unselfishly.

Example sentences using: generosidad

La generosidad de Juan es bien conocida en nuestro pueblo.

English translation of La generosidad de Juan es bien conocida en nuestro pueblo.

Juan's generosity is well known in our town.

This sentence is referring to the generosity of Juan. The speaker suggests that his generous nature is a defining trait recognized by the people in their town.

La generosidad puede cambiar el mundo.

English translation of La generosidad puede cambiar el mundo.

Generosity can change the world.

This phrase denotes the potential impact of generosity, suggesting it could be powerful enough to bring about significant changes in the world.

El premio es un homenaje a su generosidad.

English translation of El premio es un homenaje a su generosidad.

The award is a tribute to her generosity.

The reward is being presented as a recognition of someone's generosity, implying that the person has displayed an outstanding amount of generosity.

Su generosidad nunca parece tener fin.

English translation of Su generosidad nunca parece tener fin.

Her generosity never seems to end.

This sentence describes a person’s perpetual generosity, indicating that person is consistently generous.

La generosidad abrió muchos caminos en su vida.

English translation of La generosidad abrió muchos caminos en su vida.

Generosity opened many paths in his life.

This sentence suggests that being generous had a positive impact on someone's life, leading to more opportunities.

La madre enseñó a su hijo el valor de la generosidad.

English translation of La madre enseñó a su hijo el valor de la generosidad.

The mother taught her son the value of generosity.

This sentence states that a mother is imparting the lesson of generosity to her son.

Fue conocido por su asombrosa generosidad.

English translation of Fue conocido por su asombrosa generosidad.

He was known for his amazing generosity.

This sentence points out that a person's generosity was so remarkable that it defined their public image.

La generosidad es una virtud que todos deberíamos practicar.

English translation of La generosidad es una virtud que todos deberíamos practicar.

Generosity is a virtue that we should all practice.

The sentence encourages everyone to practice generosity, elevating it to the level of a virtue.

Su generosidad no conocía límites.

English translation of Su generosidad no conocía límites.

Her generosity knew no bounds.

This sentence refers to a person's limitless generosity, implying their constant willingness to give.

La generosidad siempre fue su marca registrada.

English translation of La generosidad siempre fue su marca registrada.

Generosity was always his trademark.

This suggests that the person's generosity was so consistent and remarkable that it became a defining trait, a 'trademark' of their personality.

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