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generar odio

English translation of generar odio

generate hatred

'Generar odio' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'generate hate' in English. It is typically used to refer to the act of instigating or provoking feelings of hatred or animosity in others. For example, one could use it in a sentence like, 'Sus palabras sólo sirven para generar odio,' in English this means, 'Their words only serve to generate hate.'

Example sentences using: generar odio

Esperaba que sus palabras no fueran a generar odio entre sus amigos.

English translation of Esperaba que sus palabras no fueran a generar odio entre sus amigos.

He hoped that his words would not generate hatred among his friends.

The subject in this sentence 'Esperaba' is expressing a hope or expectation that his words would not stir up hatred ('generar odio') amongst his circle of friends.

La decisión de la compañía de subir los precios puede generar odio en los consumidores.

English translation of La decisión de la compañía de subir los precios puede generar odio en los consumidores.

The company's decision to raise prices can generate hatred among consumers.

In this example, 'La decisión de la compañía de subir los precios' or 'The company's decision to raise prices' could result in the outcome 'generar odio en los consumidores' or 'generate hated among consumers' as the move is perceived negatively.

Los comentarios ofensivos tienen el potencial de generar odio en línea.

English translation of Los comentarios ofensivos tienen el potencial de generar odio en línea.

Offensive comments have the potential to generate hatred online.

Here we see that 'Los comentarios ofensivos' or 'offensive comments' potentially lead to 'generar odio en línea' or 'generate hatred online'. This refers to online animosity or aggression as a potential response to such comments.

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