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gel de afeitar

English translation of gel de afeitar

shaving gel

The Spanish term 'gel de afeitar' refers to a product widely used in personal hygiene, particularly by men, but also by women. This product is known as 'shaving gel' in English. Shaving gel is a type of cream or gel that is applied to the skin before shaving. It softens the hair and provides a smooth surface, allowing for an easier and more comfortable shave.

Example sentences using: gel de afeitar

Necesito comprar gel de afeitar para mañana.

English translation of Necesito comprar gel de afeitar para mañana.

I need to buy shaving gel for tomorrow.

This sentence communicates an urgent need for shaving gel in preparation for the following day.

El gel de afeitar de este supermercado es muy caro.

English translation of El gel de afeitar de este supermercado es muy caro.

The shaving gel from this supermarket is very expensive.

This sentence is expressing dissatisfaction with the high cost of shaving gel at a particular supermarket.

Voy a la tienda porque nos queda poco gel de afeitar.

English translation of Voy a la tienda porque nos queda poco gel de afeitar.

I'm going to the store because we have little shaving gel left.

This sentence is giving a reason (low shaving gel supply) for going to the store.

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