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English translation of gel


The Spanish word 'gel' translates to the English word 'gel'. This is a substance that has a consistency similar to jelly, elastic and often transparent. It is used in various industries including food, cosmetic, medical, and more. For instance, it is often used in hair styling products to help shape and hold hair styles, or in food products for its thickening and stabilizing properties.

Example sentences using: gel

La enfermera está aplicando un gel antibacteriano.

English translation of La enfermera está aplicando un gel antibacteriano.

The nurse is applying an antibacterial gel.

This sentence demonstrates the use of 'gel' in a medical context, where a nurse applies a medicinal substance, which is in gel form - 'un gel antibacteriano'.

Tuve que usar gel para peinarme.

English translation of Tuve que usar gel para peinarme.

I had to use gel to comb my hair.

This sentence shows the use of 'gel' in a personal grooming context. The speaker uses hair gel - 'gel' to style or tame their hair while combing.

Este postre es un gel de limón.

English translation of Este postre es un gel de limón.

This dessert is a lemon gel.

In this sentence, 'gel' is used to describe a type of dessert, a 'lemon gel'. 'Un gel de limón' is a dish made with a gelatinous substance flavored with lemon.

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