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English translation of gaviota


The word 'gaviota' in Spanish translates to 'seagull' in English. Seagulls are a large group of birds that are usually found near the sea. 'Gaviota' is generally used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to these species of birds. As seagulls are common sightings in coastal areas, knowing this term might be particularly useful if you are visiting a Spanish-speaking country near the ocean.

Example sentences using: gaviota

Brezo miraba a la gaviota volar lejos.

English translation of Brezo miraba a la gaviota volar lejos.

Brezo watched the seagull fly away.

In this sentence, Brezo is seeing the seagull (gaviota) fly away.

La plumas de la gaviota son muy blancas.

English translation of La plumas de la gaviota son muy blancas.

The seagull's feathers are very white.

This sentence is describing the color of the seagull's (gaviota) feathers.

Una gaviota se posó en el muelle.

English translation of Una gaviota se posó en el muelle.

A seagull landed on the dock.

This sentence narrates a simple event of a seagull (gaviota) landing on a dock.

La gaviota es un símbolo de libertad.

English translation of La gaviota es un símbolo de libertad.

The seagull is a symbol of freedom.

This sentence implies a symbolic meaning for the seagull (gaviota), suggesting it symbolizes freedom.

La gaviota vuela sobre el mar.

English translation of La gaviota vuela sobre el mar.

The seagull flies over the sea.

This sentence is stating a simple action that the seagull (gaviota) is doing - flying over the sea.

Pedro alimenta a la gaviota todos los días.

English translation of Pedro alimenta a la gaviota todos los días.

Pedro feeds the seagull every day.


Esa gaviota parece más grande que las demás.

English translation of Esa gaviota parece más grande que las demás.

That seagull seems bigger than the others.

This sentence is comparing the size of a particular seagull (gaviota) to the size of other seagulls.

Gaviota es un nombre común para ciertas aves.

English translation of Gaviota es un nombre común para ciertas aves.

Seagull is a common name for certain birds.

This sentence is stating that the word for seagull (gaviota) is a common name used for a type of bird.

El niño dibujó una gaviota en el papel.

English translation of El niño dibujó una gaviota en el papel.

The child drew a seagull on the paper.

This sentence is about a child making a representation of a seagull (gaviota) on a piece of paper.

Gaviota es también el título de un famoso libro.

English translation of Gaviota es también el título de un famoso libro.

Seagull is also the title of a famous book.

This sentence indicates that 'Seagull' (gaviota) is used as the title for a well-known book.

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