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gato callejero

English translation of gato callejero

Street cat

The given Spanish term 'gato callejero' is translated to 'street cat' in English. This term is often used to refer to cats that live on the streets rather than in a home or other organized living situation. Generally, these cats are not taken care of by any particular person but instead survive by hunting and scavenging for food. 'Gato' means cat and 'callejero' refers to the street, collectively representing the rough, independent lifestyle of these animals.

Example sentences using: gato callejero

El 'gato callejero' come de la basura.

English translation of El 'gato callejero' come de la basura.

The 'street cat' eats from the trash.

This sentence is pointing out that a street cat, typically a stray, is eating from the trash, a behavior commonly associated with stray animals.

'Gato callejero' es una expresión usada para referirse a los gatos sin hogar.

English translation of 'Gato callejero' es una expresión usada para referirse a los gatos sin hogar.

'Street cat' is an expression used to refer to homeless cats.

This sentence explains the colloquial term 'street cat' as referring to cats without a home or owner.

Mucha gente alimenta a los 'gatos callejeros'.

English translation of Mucha gente alimenta a los 'gatos callejeros'.

Many people feed 'street cats'.

This phrase implies that many people take pity on these homeless creatures and provide them food.

El 'gato callejero' se esconde del perro.

English translation of El 'gato callejero' se esconde del perro.

The 'street cat' hides from the dog.

This sentence tells us that a street cat is hiding from a dog, likely to avoid confrontation as a survival instinct.

Es común ver un 'gato callejero' en la ciudad.

English translation of Es común ver un 'gato callejero' en la ciudad.

It is common to see a 'street cat' in the city.

This statement says that it is a common sight to see street cats in cities.

El 'gato callejero' maulla por comida.

English translation of El 'gato callejero' maulla por comida.

The 'street cat' meows for food.

This sentence suggests that the street cat is making noise typically to express its hunger.

Aquel 'gato callejero' tiene una cicatriz en su oreja.

English translation of Aquel 'gato callejero' tiene una cicatriz en su oreja.

That 'street cat' has a scar on its ear.

This sentence describes a street cat's physical appearance, indicating it has a scar on its ear likely due to living in harsh conditions.

El dueño de la tienda adoptó un 'gato callejero'.

English translation of El dueño de la tienda adoptó un 'gato callejero'.

The shop owner adopted a 'street cat'.

This sentence tells a story where a shop owner adopts a street cat, typically to give it a better life.

El 'gato callejero' dormía sobre el techo del auto.

English translation of El 'gato callejero' dormía sobre el techo del auto.

The 'street cat' was sleeping on the car roof.

This sentence indicates that a street cat has decided to rest on a car roof, a behavior common among stray cats as they seek out quiet, solitary places to sleep.

El 'gato callejero' se pasea por el barrio todos los días.

English translation of El 'gato callejero' se pasea por el barrio todos los días.

The 'street cat' strolls through the neighborhood every day.

This sentence describes a habitual action of a street cat moving about a neighborhood, which is common as they often have a routine or territory.

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