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gasolina sin plomo

English translation of gasolina sin plomo

unleaded gasoline

The Spanish phrase 'gasolina sin plomo' translates to 'unleaded gasoline' in English. This specific term refers to a type of gasoline that does not contain lead additives. Lead was once added to gasoline to increase performance and reduce engine knocking. However, lead is a toxic substance that can harm the environment and human health. 'Sin plomo' literally translates to 'without lead', indicating that the gasoline is lead-free or unleaded. Thus, 'gasolina sin plomo' represents a safer and more eco-friendly fuel option.

Example sentences using: gasolina sin plomo

El precio de la gasolina sin plomo ha subido recientemente.

English translation of El precio de la gasolina sin plomo ha subido recientemente.

The price of unleaded gasoline has recently gone up.

This sentence is used to describe a situation in which there has been a recent increase in the price of unleaded petrol. This could be due to various factors, such as higher crude oil prices, increased refining costs, or taxes or surcharges that have been levied on fuel prices.

Por favor, ponle gasolina sin plomo al coche.

English translation of Por favor, ponle gasolina sin plomo al coche.

Please, put unleaded gasoline in the car.

This sentence is a request, where someone is asking another person to fill the car with unleaded petrol, possibly because the car is meant to run on unleaded petrol due to specific engine requirements or for environmental reasons. 'Ponle' is the command form of the verb 'poner' (to put/place), and 'al' is a contraction of 'a' (to) and 'el' (the).

No queda mucha gasolina sin plomo en el depósito.

English translation of No queda mucha gasolina sin plomo en el depósito.

There isn't much unleaded gasoline left in the tank.

This sentence is used to indicate that the quantity of unleaded petrol left in a car's fuel tank is small and it may need to be filled soon. 'Queda' is derived from the verb 'quedar' which can mean 'to remain' or 'to be left' in this context.

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