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ganar un juicio

English translation of ganar un juicio

win a trial

The Spanish phrase 'ganar un juicio' translates to 'win a trial' in English. It is a legal term often used in courts or legal proceedings. 'Ganar' is a verb in Spanish that means 'to win', whilst 'un juicio' is a noun that refers to a 'trial' or 'lawsuit'. Therefore, when these words are combined, it describes the act or process of succeeding in a legal case or court trial.

Example sentences using: ganar un juicio

Mi tío es un excelente abogado que puede ganar un juicio con facilidad.

English translation of Mi tío es un excelente abogado que puede ganar un juicio con facilidad.

My uncle is an excellent lawyer who can win a trial easily.

This sentence presents a person, in this case the speaker's uncle, who has the ability to win legal trials due to his proficiency in his job as a lawyer.

Si quieres ganar un juicio, necesitas reunir todas las pruebas posibles.

English translation of Si quieres ganar un juicio, necesitas reunir todas las pruebas posibles.

If you want to win a trial, you need to gather all possible evidence.

In this scenario, winning a trial is associated with the need for sufficient evidence. It implies that gathering significant proof is crucial to winning a court case.

Para ganar un juicio, es crucial tener un abogado capaz y experimentado.

English translation of Para ganar un juicio, es crucial tener un abogado capaz y experimentado.

To win a trial, it's crucial to have a capable and experienced lawyer.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of a capable and experienced lawyer to win a trial. It implies that the skills and experience of a lawyer can significantly influence the outcome of a legal trial.

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