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English translation of ganancias


The Spanish word 'ganancias' translates to 'profit' in English. This term is widely used in the context of finance and economy, and it refers to the financial benefits that are gained from a business or income-generating activity. In general terms, 'ganancias' means the positive difference between the cost price and the selling price of a product or service, after deducting all the costs associated with its production or provision.

Example sentences using: ganancias

Mario registró un aumento en sus ganancias este año.

English translation of Mario registró un aumento en sus ganancias este año.

Mario recorded an increase in his earnings this year.

In this sentence, 'ganancias' refers to the profits or earnings that Mario has made. The phrase is used in the context of financial gain, indicating that Mario has had a successful year in his financial ventures.

Las ganancias netas de la empresa fueron superiores al año pasado.

English translation of Las ganancias netas de la empresa fueron superiores al año pasado.

The company's net earnings were higher than last year.

Here, 'ganancias' is used to denote the net earnings of a company. This is a term often used in the business and finance world. The sentence shows a comparative context, indicating that the company earned more this year than it did the previous year.

Debemos invertir donde puedan maximizarse las ganancias.

English translation of Debemos invertir donde puedan maximizarse las ganancias.

We should invest where the earnings can be maximized.

In this phrase, 'ganancias' is referred to as a potential financial benefit that can be obtained from an investment. This highlights the usage of 'ganancias' in scenarios involving strategic financial planning or investments.

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