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English translation of ganadero

cattle ranch

The Spanish term 'ganadero' translates to 'cattle ranch' in English. It is derived from the Spanish word 'ganado', which means 'cattle', and the -ero suffix, which can indicate profession or occupation. Therefore, a 'ganadero' is a person or business involved in raising cattle for various purposes such as milk or meat production. In other words, it's a place where cattle are kept and bred, forming a significant part of the agricultural industry in Spanish-speaking areas.

Example sentences using: ganadero

El hijo del ganadero vino a ayudarme con la cosecha.

English translation of El hijo del ganadero vino a ayudarme con la cosecha.

The rancher's son came to help me with the harvest.

This sentence is an example of how the term 'ganadero' can be used to describe the role or profession of a person's family member. By saying 'El hijo del ganadero', we are referring to the son of the person whose job is to raise cattle.

El ganadero lleva un sombrero para protegerse del sol.

English translation of El ganadero lleva un sombrero para protegerse del sol.

The rancher wears a hat to protect himself from the sun.

This sentence describes a common work tool used by ranchers. The 'ganadero' (rancher) wears a hat to protect himself from the intense sun, a common situation in the context of rural and outdoor work.

Los ganaderos locales se reunen para discutir sobre los precios del ganado.

English translation of Los ganaderos locales se reunen para discutir sobre los precios del ganado.

Local ranchers meet to discuss cattle prices.

The term 'ganadero' can be used in a collective sense, to describe a group of people who share the same profession. In this example, 'Los ganaderos locales' refers to ranchers in the local area who are gathering to discuss a topic that is relevant to their trade, which is cattle prices.

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