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English translation of función


The Spanish word 'función' translates to 'function' in English. It is a noun and it is used in various contexts. In mathematics, it is used to describe a relationship or expression involving one or more variables. In computer science, it is used to indicate a sequence of instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. It is also used in everyday language to mean the natural or intended purpose of something or the role that a person or thing has in a particular situation. Similarly, it can refer to a social event or gathering.

Example sentences using: función

La función de este aparato es desconocida.

English translation of La función de este aparato es desconocida.

The function of this device is unknown.

This sentence explains that the purpose or role played by a certain device isn't known.

Voy a una función de teatro esta noche.

English translation of Voy a una función de teatro esta noche.

I'm going to a theatre performance tonight.

In this context, 'función' refers to a theatrical performance or show that the speaker is planning to attend later in the day.

La función principal de un profesor es educar.

English translation of La función principal de un profesor es educar.

The main function of a teacher is to educate.

This sentence states that the primary role or duty of a teacher is to educate or provide education.

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