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English translation of fumigar

to fumigate

The Spanish word 'fumigar' translates to 'fumigate' in English. This is a verb which implies the action of applying the process of fumigation. Fumigation is a method that uses various chemicals or gases to eliminate pests or insects in certain spaces and environments. This process is usually carried in enclosed areas to ensure the gases do not escape to the surroundings. Thus, when someone says 'fumigar' in Spanish, they refer to conducting this pest removal process.

Example sentences using: fumigar

Voy a fumigar la casa para deshacerme de los insectos.

English translation of Voy a fumigar la casa para deshacerme de los insectos.

I am going to fumigate the house to get rid of bugs.

This sentence illustrates the use of fumigation to control pests in a house.

Necesitamos fumigar el granero para evitar plagas.

English translation of Necesitamos fumigar el granero para evitar plagas.

We need to fumigate the barn to avoid pests.

This sentence shows how fumigation can be used in a barn to prevent pests.

Después de fumigar, los insectos desaparecieron.

English translation of Después de fumigar, los insectos desaparecieron.

After fumigating, the insects disappeared.

This sentence expresses the results after performing the fumigation.

Contratamos un especialista para fumigar nuestra casa.

English translation of Contratamos un especialista para fumigar nuestra casa.

We hired a specialist to fumigate our house.

This sentence conveys the idea of hiring a specialist for house fumigation.

Debemos fumigar regularmente para mantener alejadas las plagas.

English translation of Debemos fumigar regularmente para mantener alejadas las plagas.

We should fumigate regularly to keep pests away.

This sentence highlights the significance of regular fumigation to keep unwanted pests at bay.

No podemos entrar a la casa hasta que terminen de fumigar.

English translation of No podemos entrar a la casa hasta que terminen de fumigar.

We can't enter the house until they finish fumigating.

This sentence displays the instruction of staying out of the house during the fumigation process.

Es recomendable fumigar antes de que empiece el verano.

English translation of Es recomendable fumigar antes de que empiece el verano.

It's advisable to fumigate before the summer starts.

This sentence suggests the best time for fumigation, which is before the start of summer.

Si deseas fumigar tu jardín, puedes hacerlo tú mismo o contratar un profesional.

English translation of Si deseas fumigar tu jardín, puedes hacerlo tú mismo o contratar un profesional.

If you want to fumigate your garden, you can either do it yourself or hire a professional.

This sentence provides options of doing garden fumigation oneself or getting professional help.

Es importante fumigar el jardín para proteger las plantas.

English translation of Es importante fumigar el jardín para proteger las plantas.

It's important to fumigate the garden to protect the plants.

This sentence highlights the importance of fumigation to protect plants in a garden.

El ayuntamiento va a fumigar las zonas públicas para controlar la propagación de insectos.

English translation of El ayuntamiento va a fumigar las zonas públicas para controlar la propagación de insectos.

The city council will fumigate public areas to control the spread of insects.

This sentence tells about a city council initiative to manage insect spread in public areas by fumigation.

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