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English translation of frondoso


The Spanish word 'frondoso' translates to 'leafy' in English. It is often used to describe something that is full of leaves or foliage, typically trees or plants. This adjective conveys a sense of lushness or abundance in nature. For example, a 'frondoso' tree would be a tree that is richly filled with green leaves.

Example sentences using: frondoso

Cada día camino por un sendero frondoso.

English translation of Cada día camino por un sendero frondoso.

Every day I walk through a leafy trail.

This is an everyday scenario where 'frondoso' is used to describe a trail filled with luxurious vegetation, creating a fairly pastoral and serene environment.

El árbol frondoso proporciona mucha sombra.

English translation of El árbol frondoso proporciona mucha sombra.

The leafy tree provides a lot of shade.

In this sentence, 'frondoso' is used to describe a lush or leafy tree that is able to provide a significant amount of shade due to its abundance of leaves.

La selva es muy frondosa en esta época del año.

English translation of La selva es muy frondosa en esta época del año.

The jungle is very lush at this time of year.

This sentence uses 'frondoso' to depict a scene of a rich, dense jungle full of plant life during a certain time of the year.

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