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English translation of fragilidad


The word 'fragilidad' in Spanish translates to 'fragility' in English. It is a noun used to describe the quality of being easily broken or damaged, the vulnerability or lack of strength. This could refer to physical objects as well as abstract concepts, such as a fragile ego or mental state. In Spanish, just like in English, it is used to describe the vulnerability or delicacy of something or someone.

Example sentences using: fragilidad

La fragilidad de su salud es preocupante.

English translation of La fragilidad de su salud es preocupante.

The fragility of his health is worrying.

This phrase is used in a situation where someone's health is in a delicate or weak condition, and causes concern to others.

La fragilidad de este vaso de cristal lo hace especial.

English translation of La fragilidad de este vaso de cristal lo hace especial.

The fragility of this glass cup makes it special.

In this case, the fragility of an object - a glass cup - is perceived as a characteristic that adds value, making it special or unique.

No te dejes engañar por su aparente fragilidad.

English translation of No te dejes engañar por su aparente fragilidad.

Do not be fooled by his apparent fragility.

This phrase is a warning to not be deceived by someone's outwardly weak or fragile appearance, implying they may be stronger or more resilient than they appear.

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