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English translation of fracción


The Spanish word 'fracción' translates to 'fraction' in English. A fraction is a numerical quantity that is not a whole number, representing a part of a whole. The term 'fracción' is used in mathematics and daily life contexts whenever something has to be divided into parts. For example, when talking about a piece of a cake or a part of a group, you would use the word 'fracción' in Spanish just as you would use 'fraction' in English.

Example sentences using: fracción

Una fracción del pastel fue consumida por mí.

English translation of Una fracción del pastel fue consumida por mí.

A fraction of the cake was consumed by me.

This sentence represents an instance where the term 'fracción' is used to denote a portion of a whole, in this case, a part of the cake was eaten by the speaker.

La fracción de agua disponible para el consumo es alarmantemente baja.

English translation of La fracción de agua disponible para el consumo es alarmantemente baja.

The fraction of water available for consumption is alarmingly low.

In this example, 'fracción' is used in the context of expressing a specific proportion of an item – water in this case – that is accessible for a particular usage (consumption), and the quantity is described as being worryingly insufficient.

La fracción que contribuyó para la causa fue significativa.

English translation of La fracción que contribuyó para la causa fue significativa.

The fraction that contributed to the cause was significant.

In this sentence, 'fracción' is used to refer to a proportion of a collective contribution made towards a cause, which is highlighted as being substantial in this context.

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