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fotografía de estudio

English translation of fotografía de estudio

study photography

The phrase 'fotografía de estudio' translates to 'study photography' in English. This term is often used to refer to the genre of photography that primarily takes place in a controlled studio environment. This environment can be manipulated with artificial lighting, backgrounds, and other conditions to create specific visual effects. It is commonly applied to many professional and artistic fields, including but not limited to, fashion, advertising, portrait, and product photography.

Example sentences using: fotografía de estudio

Tomé una clase de fotografía de estudio el semestre pasado.

English translation of Tomé una clase de fotografía de estudio el semestre pasado.

I took a studio photography class last semester.

In this sentence, the speaker is sharing their experience of learning studio photography. It could be part of their study or any hobby learning.

Necesito una fotografía de estudio para mi portafolio.

English translation of Necesito una fotografía de estudio para mi portafolio.

I need a studio photograph for my portfolio.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing the need for a professionally taken photo, possibly for a work or art portfolio.

La fotografía de estudio requiere equipo especializado.

English translation of La fotografía de estudio requiere equipo especializado.

Studio photography requires specialized equipment.

This statement implies that one may need specified equipment for taking studio photography, emphasizing on the technical requirements of this photography type.

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