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fotografía científica

English translation of fotografía científica

Scientific photography

The term 'fotografía científica' is from Spanish and translates to 'scientific photography' in English. Scientific photography can be described as the use of photography to record and present scientific phenomena, and is often used in research and documentation in the scientific field. This can include a wide range of types, such as micrography, astrophotography, or underwater photography depending on the area of scientific study.

Example sentences using: fotografía científica

Mi profesión es la fotografía científica.

English translation of Mi profesión es la fotografía científica.

My profession is scientific photography.

In this sentence, 'fotografía científica' is used as a noun to describe a profession. Scientific photography is a branch of photography that documents subjects of scientific, microscopic, or macroscopic interest.

La fotografía científica requiere una gran precisión y atención al detalle.

English translation of La fotografía científica requiere una gran precisión y atención al detalle.

Scientific photography requires great precision and attention to detail.

The phrase 'fotografía científica' here is used as the subject of the sentence. Highlighting the need for precision and detail underscores the technical nature of this type of photography.

Estoy estudiando técnicas de fotografía científica.

English translation of Estoy estudiando técnicas de fotografía científica.

I am studying techniques of scientific photography.

In this phrase, 'fotografía científica' is used as the object of the studying action, denoting it as a field of knowledge or skills that can be learned and improved.

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