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fotografía artística

English translation of fotografía artística

artistic photography

The word 'fotografía artística' is a phrase in Spanish that directly translates to 'artistic photography' in English. In this context, 'fotografía' refers to the act of capturing images with a camera, which is known as 'photography' in English. 'Artística', the adjective, correlates to the English word 'artistic' and describes photography that is considered to create an aesthetic value and express emotional and symbolic meanings. Overall, 'fotografía artística' represents a form of creative expression through the medium of photographic imagery.

Example sentences using: fotografía artística

Mi hermana decidió iniciar una carrera en la fotografía artística.

English translation of Mi hermana decidió iniciar una carrera en la fotografía artística.

My sister decided to start a career in artistic photography.

In this phrase, the speaker is indicating that his or her sister has chosen to pursue a career in artistic photography. The phrase emphasises the speaker's sister's career choice.

La fotografía artística es una forma de expresión personal.

English translation of La fotografía artística es una forma de expresión personal.

Artistic photography is a form of personal expression.

In this sentence, the speaker is defining artistic photography as a means through which individuals can express their personal feelings and perspectives. This underlines the idea that photography can be used as a personal artistic outlet.

El museo acaba de abrir una nueva exposición de fotografía artística.

English translation of El museo acaba de abrir una nueva exposición de fotografía artística.

The museum just opened a new artistic photography exhibit.

This statement tells us that a new exhibit, focused on artistic photography, has just been launched at the museum. It implies that the museum showcases varying forms of art, including artistic photography.

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