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foto(grafía) enfocada

English translation of foto(grafía) enfocada

photo(graphic) focus

The phrase 'foto(grafía) enfocada' in Spanish translates to 'photo(graphic) focus' in English. It is typically used in the context of photography when discussing an image that is sharp, clear, and well-defined. This term is especially important when talking about the quality of an image or photograph, where the subject is clear and the details are visibly sharp. The term can also metaphorically refer to the concept of maintaining focus or clarity in a broader context or situation.

Example sentences using: foto(grafía) enfocada

Mi cámara captó una fotografía desenfocada de la puesta de sol.

English translation of Mi cámara captó una fotografía desenfocada de la puesta de sol.

My camera captured a blurred photo of the sunset.

In this sentence, 'fotografía desenfocada' refers to a picture that's not sharp or clear, specifically a picture of the sunset that the speaker's camera has taken.

Estoy tratando de arreglar esta foto desenfocada en mi software de edición.

English translation of Estoy tratando de arreglar esta foto desenfocada en mi software de edición.

I am trying to fix this blurred photo in my editing software.

This sentence uses 'foto desenfocada' to describe a picture that the speaker is attempting to improve using editing software, since it's not clear or focused.

El artista utiliza fotografías desenfocadas para traer un sentido de misterio a su trabajo.

English translation of El artista utiliza fotografías desenfocadas para traer un sentido de misterio a su trabajo.

The artist uses blurred photographs to bring a sense of mystery to his work.

Here, 'fotografías desenfocadas' refers to the technique of the artist using unclear or unsharp photos, to evoke a sense of mystery in his artwork.

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