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English translation of foro


The Spanish word 'foro' translates to 'forum' in English. A 'foro' can refer to both an internet forum or a public meeting or assembly for open discussion. Online, a 'foro' acts as a message board where individuals can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. In historical contexts, 'foro' may refer to a public square or marketplace in ancient Roman times. Knowing the precise meaning of 'foro', as with many words, often depends on contextual understanding.

Example sentences using: foro

Voy a publicarlo en el foro

English translation of Voy a publicarlo en el foro

I'm going to post it on the forum

This sentence uses 'foro' to refer to an online forum where the speaker is planning to post something.

El foro de la ciudad es un lugar concurrido

English translation of El foro de la ciudad es un lugar concurrido

The city's forum is a busy place

In this example, 'foro' is used to refer to a public square or meeting place in a city, a sense derived from its Latin origin.

El debate en el foro fue acalorado

English translation of El debate en el foro fue acalorado

The debate in the forum was heated

This sentence uses 'foro' to indicate a discussion or debate in a physical or digital space where people gather to air their views.

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