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fórmula química

English translation of fórmula química

chemical formula

A 'fórmula química' in Spanish translates to 'chemical formula' in English. This is a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements. It shows the atoms of the elements present in the compound and the ratio of the atoms. It is used in chemistry to denote chemical compounds. Thus 'fórmula química' is a key term for anyone studying chemistry or related sciences.

Example sentences using: fórmula química

La fórmula química del agua es H2O.

English translation of La fórmula química del agua es H2O.

The chemical formula for water is H2O.

This sentence is stating a well-known fact about the molecular composition of water. The 'chemical formula' is a way of representing the types and quantities of atoms that make up a particular molecule; in this case, water.

No entiendo esta fórmula química en el libro de texto.

English translation of No entiendo esta fórmula química en el libro de texto.

I don't understand this chemical formula in the textbook.

This sentence is expressing confusion or lack of understood regarding a chemical formula found in a textbook. It reflects a common experience when studying complex subjects such as chemistry.

Un átomo de oxígeno y dos de hidrógeno forman la fórmula química del agua.

English translation of Un átomo de oxígeno y dos de hidrógeno forman la fórmula química del agua.

One oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms make up the chemical formula for water.

This sentence is explaining how the chemical formula for water (H2O) is derived. It lists the individual components (one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen) that combine to form a water molecule.

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