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English translation of forestal


The word 'forestal' in Spanish refers to 'forestry' in English. It typically relates to the science, art, and craft of creating, maintaining, using, conserving, and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources to meet desired goals, needs, and values for human and environment benefits. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands.

Example sentences using: forestal

El incendio forestal destruyó muchos hogares.

English translation of El incendio forestal destruyó muchos hogares.

The forest fire destroyed many homes.

This example demonstrates the use of 'forestal' paired with 'incendio', translating to 'forest fire', indicating a wild fire that occurs in a forest or woodland area.

La conservación forestal es esencial para nuestro planeta.

English translation of La conservación forestal es esencial para nuestro planeta.

Forest conservation is essential for our planet.

This example shows how 'forestal' can be paired with 'conservación', which translates to 'conservation', referring to the protection and preservation of forests.

La industria forestal es un importante sector económico.

English translation of La industria forestal es un importante sector económico.

The forestry industry is an important economic sector.

Here, 'forestal' is used with 'industria', translating to 'forestry industry', referring to the industry or business of cutting, transporting, processing and selling of forest products.

La fauna forestal es muy diversa.

English translation of La fauna forestal es muy diversa.

The forest wildlife is very diverse.

In this example 'forestal' is used with 'fauna', translating to 'forest wildlife', indicating the animals that live in the forest.

El agente forestal inspeccionó el área.

English translation of El agente forestal inspeccionó el área.

The forest officer inspected the area.

'Forestal' is paired with 'agente' in this sentence, translating to 'forest officer', someone who works in the protection and preservation of forests.

La explotación forestal debe ser regulada para evitar daños.

English translation of La explotación forestal debe ser regulada para evitar daños.

Logging must be regulated to prevent damage.

'Forestal' is used alongside 'explotación', translating to 'logging', which refers to the process of cutting, processing, and moving trees to a location for transport.

El parque forestal es un lugar tranquilo para pasear.

English translation of El parque forestal es un lugar tranquilo para pasear.

The forest park is a peaceful place to walk.

The word 'forestal' is used with 'parque', which translates to 'forest park', a park comprising primarily of forest.

La pérdida forestal puede llevar a la erosión del suelo.

English translation of La pérdida forestal puede llevar a la erosión del suelo.

Deforestation can lead to soil erosion.

'Forestal' is used in conjunction with 'pérdida', translating to 'deforestation', referring to the removal or clearing of forests.

La gestión forestal es fundamental para la sostenibilidad.

English translation of La gestión forestal es fundamental para la sostenibilidad.

Forest management is fundamental for sustainability.

'Forestal' is used with 'gestión' in this sentence, translating 'forest management', which encapsulates the overall administration, economic planning, and scientific manipulation of a forest.

La educación forestal debe ser parte del currículo escolar.

English translation of La educación forestal debe ser parte del currículo escolar.

Forestry education should be part of the school curriculum.

In this example, 'forestal' is used with 'educación', translating to 'forestry education', referring to the instruction about the creation, management, and usage of forests.

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