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English translation of fondo


In Spanish, 'fondo' translates to the English word 'background.' However, it is important to understand the context when using this word, as 'fondo' can also mean 'background' or 'bottom' depending on the sentence. For example, in the context of finance or money, 'fondo' refers to a 'fund' or 'pool of money'. However, in a sentence about geography or physical objects, it may refer to the bottom part or background of something.

Example sentences using: fondo

Platicamos hasta el fondo del tema.

English translation of Platicamos hasta el fondo del tema.

We talked through the depth of the topic.

'Fondo' can also signifies depth in a metaphorical sense, representing the extent to which a topic was discussed.

El libro está al fondo de la caja.

English translation of El libro está al fondo de la caja.

The book is at the bottom of the box.

In this sentence, 'fondo' is used to describe the position of the book inside the box. It refers to the deepest part of the box, similar to the bottom of it.

Su casa está al fondo de la calle.

English translation of Su casa está al fondo de la calle.

Their house is at the end of the street.

In this context, 'fondo' refers to the end of a stretch or course, which in this case is the street.

Nadé hasta el fondo del océano.

English translation of Nadé hasta el fondo del océano.

I swam to the bottom of the ocean.

Here, 'fondo' is used to refer to the deepest part of the ocean, demonstrating its literal meaning of bottom or base.

Está en el fondo del armario.

English translation of Está en el fondo del armario.

It's at the back of the wardrobe.

In this situation, 'al fondo' can denote the farthest part from the viewpoint, which in this case is the back of the wardrobe.

Voy hasta el fondo del asunto.

English translation of Voy hasta el fondo del asunto.

I go to the bottom of the matter.

In this example, 'fondo' refers to the most profound essence or truth of a matter or situation.

El vaso está lleno hasta el fondo.

English translation of El vaso está lleno hasta el fondo.

The glass is full to the bottom.

Here 'fondo' is used to indicate the complete filling of a container, in this case, a glass.

El fondo del mar está lleno de misterios.

English translation of El fondo del mar está lleno de misterios.

The bottom of the sea is full of mysteries.

This sentence uses 'fondo' to illustrate the deepest parts of the sea, providing a metaphorical sense of the unknown.

Las montañas se ven en el fondo.

English translation of Las montañas se ven en el fondo.

The mountains can be seen in the background.

In a visual context, 'fondo' can mean 'background'. In this sentence, the mountains are situated at the back as part of the view.

El fondo de la pintura es azul.

English translation of El fondo de la pintura es azul.

The background of the painting is blue.

When talking about artwork, 'fondo' can refer to the background. In this case, it describes the base layer of color in the painting.

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