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English translation of folleto


The Spanish word 'folleto' translates to 'brochure' in English. A brochure is a type of leaflet or pamphlet that is commonly used for advertising. It holds details about an event, a product, or a service and is typically designed to be eye-catching and informative. The word 'folleto' in Spanish refers to the same concept and is often used in promotional or marketing contexts, as well as for providing information in a concise and readily accessible format.

Example sentences using: folleto

Fui a la tienda y el vendedor me entregó un folleto.

English translation of Fui a la tienda y el vendedor me entregó un folleto.

I went to the store and the salesperson handed me a pamphlet.

In this sentence, 'folleto' refers to a small booklet or pamphlet that one might receive at a store, containing information about a product or service.

El folleto turístico mostraba los principales puntos de interés de la ciudad.

English translation of El folleto turístico mostraba los principales puntos de interés de la ciudad.

The tourist brochure showed the main points of interest in the city.

In this context, 'folleto turístico' indicates a type of pamphlet specifically intended for tourists, showcasing major attractions in a given location.

Es relevante leer el folleto antes de montar el mueble.

English translation of Es relevante leer el folleto antes de montar el mueble.

It's important to read the brochure before assembling the furniture.

In this example, 'folleto' is a term used for guidelines or instructional materials packaged with a product, such as self-assembly furniture.

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