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English translation of flotador


The Spanish word 'flotador' translates to 'float' in English. It can be used in various contexts, for example: a 'flotador' in swimming refers to a device that helps a person stay afloat on the water. Similarly, in technological context, it can be a mechanical device that moves up and down to control the level of liquid. Context determines the exact usage of this relatively versatile term.

Example sentences using: flotador

Necesito un flotador para aprender a nadar.

English translation of Necesito un flotador para aprender a nadar.

I need a float to learn how to swim.

In this sentence, 'flotador' is used to refer to a swimming aid, typically a foam or inflatable device used to help beginners maintain buoyancy in the water.

El flotador del inodoro está roto.

English translation of El flotador del inodoro está roto.

The toilet float is broken.

Here, 'flotador' refers to a part of the toilet mechanism - the float, which floats on the water inside the toilet tank and triggers the refill process when the water level drops after a flush.

El flotador de la boya no funciona correctamente.

English translation of El flotador de la boya no funciona correctamente.

The float of the buoy is not working properly.

In this context, 'flotador' is used to refer to the floatation device in a buoy. Buoys are often used in water bodies to mark specific areas and depend on their floats to maintain their position on the water surface.

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