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flor seca

English translation of flor seca

dried flower

The Spanish term 'flor seca' translates to 'dried flower' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to a flower that has been dried for preservation. This term is often used in the world of arts and crafts, where dried flowers might be used in scrapbooking, home decor, or as a keepsake. Drying a flower allows its beauty to be maintained longer than if it were left to naturally wilt and decompose. Not only a botanical term, 'flor seca' can also be used figuratively in literature and poetry to symbolize ephemerality, loss, and the passage of time.

Example sentences using: flor seca

Mi madre siempre guarda una flor seca en su libro favorito.

English translation of Mi madre siempre guarda una flor seca en su libro favorito.

My mother always keeps a dried flower in her favorite book.

In this sentence, 'flor seca' is used to refer to a dried flower that is kept as a bookmark or memento within the pages of a book.

Hay una flor seca en el jarrón de la mesa.

English translation of Hay una flor seca en el jarrón de la mesa.

There is a dried flower in the vase on the table.

The speaker is stating a simple fact about a 'flor seca' that is in a vase on a table.

Siempre guardo una flor seca de cada bouquet que recibo.

English translation of Siempre guardo una flor seca de cada bouquet que recibo.

I always keep a dried flower from every bouquet I receive.

In this case, 'flor seca' serves as a sentimental souvenir from every bouquet the speaker has received.

La flor seca que encontré en el libro era un recuerdo de mi abuela.

English translation of La flor seca que encontré en el libro era un recuerdo de mi abuela.

The dried flower I found in the book was a memento from my grandmother.

Here, the 'flor seca' found in a book serves as a sentimental keepsake from the speaker's grandmother.

Encontre una flor seca en el cajón de mi escritorio.

English translation of Encontre una flor seca en el cajón de mi escritorio.

I found a dried flower in the drawer of my desk.

The speaker discovered a 'flor seca' while exploring the contents of their desk drawer.

El collar tiene una flor seca incrustada.

English translation of El collar tiene una flor seca incrustada.

The necklace has a dried flower embedded.

In this usage, 'flor seca' is an adornment or inclusion in a piece of jewellery, in this case a necklace.

Se le entregó una flor seca como recordatorio de su boda.

English translation of Se le entregó una flor seca como recordatorio de su boda.

She was given a dried flower as a reminder of her wedding.

In this example, a 'flor seca' offers the receiver a method of recalling a special event, the person's wedding.

Se utilizó una flor seca como decoración en el altar.

English translation of Se utilizó una flor seca como decoración en el altar.

A dried flower was used as decoration on the altar.

Here, 'flor seca' is an object of spiritual or decorative significance in a religious or solemn ceremony.

La invitación tenía una flor seca pegada.

English translation of La invitación tenía una flor seca pegada.

The invitation had a dried flower glued on.

In this example, a 'flor seca' is used as a decorative embellishment on an invitation.

La caja de música tiene una flor seca en la tapa.

English translation of La caja de música tiene una flor seca en la tapa.

The music box has a dried flower on the lid.

Here, the 'flor seca' serves as a decoration or embellishment on the lid of a music box.

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