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flor natural

English translation of flor natural

natural flower

The Spanish term 'flor natural' translates to 'natural flower' in English. It's a term commonly used when referring to an unadulterated, undyed, or unpreserved flower. In horticulture, 'flor natural' can imply a plant breed or species that hasn't been genetically modified or enhanced with human aid. In ancillary uses, it can metaphorically refer to purity, natural beauty or innate talent.

Example sentences using: flor natural

Ella puede identificar cualquier flor natural con un solo vistazo.

English translation of Ella puede identificar cualquier flor natural con un solo vistazo.

She can identify any natural flower with just one look.

This phrase conveys a person's innate skill or learned knowledge in identifying flowers.

El jardín de mi abuela está lleno de flores naturales.

English translation of El jardín de mi abuela está lleno de flores naturales.

My grandmother's garden is full of natural flowers.

The phrase talks about a garden filled with natural flowers, typically a variety of species, instead of artificial ones.

La visita al mercado de la flor natural fue una experiencia fantástica.

English translation of La visita al mercado de la flor natural fue una experiencia fantástica.

The visit to the natural flower market was a fantastic experience.

This sentence describes a memorable experience at a market selling natural flowers.

El perfume de la flor natural es muy embriagante.

English translation of El perfume de la flor natural es muy embriagante.

The scent of the natural flower is very intoxicating.

The statement emphasizes the powerful and pleasing scent of a natural flower.

La abeja estaba buscando una flor natural para recolectar néctar.

English translation of La abeja estaba buscando una flor natural para recolectar néctar.

The bee was looking for a natural flower to collect nectar.

The sentence narrates a bee's activity of searching natural flowers for collecting nectar.

Prefiero pintar una flor natural en lugar de una artificial.

English translation of Prefiero pintar una flor natural en lugar de una artificial.

I prefer to paint a natural flower rather than an artificial one.

The sentence conveys an artist's preference to paint natural flowers over artificial ones.

Esta joya parece una flor natural debido a su diseño.

English translation of Esta joya parece una flor natural debido a su diseño.

This jewel looks like a natural flower because of its design.

The sentence is expressing a comparison between a jewel's design and a natural flower's appearance.

Un regalo de una flor natural es más significativo que una flor artificial.

English translation of Un regalo de una flor natural es más significativo que una flor artificial.

A gift of a natural flower is more meaningful than an artificial flower.

This phrase suggests that the act of giving a natural flower might hold more significance than giving an artificial one.

El aroma de una flor natural es inigualable.

English translation of El aroma de una flor natural es inigualable.

The aroma of a natural flower is incomparable.

The sentence stresses the unique and irreplaceable aroma of natural flowers that can't be copied or matched.

La flor natural en su cabello la hacía lucir aún más bonita.

English translation of La flor natural en su cabello la hacía lucir aún más bonita.

The natural flower in her hair made her look even more beautiful.

This phrase explains how a natural flower used as a hair accessory enhanced the beauty of the lady.

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