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flor mustia

English translation of flor mustia

flower mustia

The Spanish word 'flor mustia' translates to 'wilted flower' in English. This term is used to describe a flower which has started to dry up and lose its life. It is no longer crisp and fresh, but instead looks sad and forlorn as it wilts and fades. This term can also be used metaphorically to describe someone or something that is no longer vibrant and healthy.

Example sentences using: flor mustia

La flor mustia estaba en el jarrón.

English translation of La flor mustia estaba en el jarrón.

The withered flower was in the vase.

This phrase is talking about a flower that has lost its freshness and vitality, perhaps because it has been cut from its source of life for a while and is now just sitting in a vase.

Mi corazón se siente como una flor mustia.

English translation of Mi corazón se siente como una flor mustia.

My heart feels like a withered flower.

In this phrase, the speaker is using the metaphor of a 'withered flower' to express feelings of sadness or dejection.

Tu sonrisa ya no brilla, pareces una flor mustia.

English translation of Tu sonrisa ya no brilla, pareces una flor mustia.

Your smile no longer shines, you look like a withered flower.

Here, a withered flower is being used as a metaphor to describe someone whose energy or happiness seems to have dimmed or faded.

Me agarraste como una flor mustia.

English translation of Me agarraste como una flor mustia.

You grabbed me like a withered flower.

This phrase possibly refers to being treated without care or compassion, as one might handle a flower that's already withered and no longer vibrant.

La belleza sin bondad es como una flor mustia.

English translation of La belleza sin bondad es como una flor mustia.

Beauty without kindness is like a withered flower.

This phrase is a metaphorical statement expressing the idea that beauty without underlying goodness or kindness is hollow, like a flower that has lost its bloom.

Dejó la flor mustia en el banco del parque.

English translation of Dejó la flor mustia en el banco del parque.

He left the withered flower on the park bench.

This sentence recounts a simple action of someone leaving a withered flower behind, possibly suggesting feelings of sadness or regret associated with the place or situation.

Observó la flor mustia en el antiguo libro.

English translation of Observó la flor mustia en el antiguo libro.

He observed the withered flower in the old book.

This phrase describes someone examining a flower that has been preserved in an old book, often done as a memento or keepsake of a significant event.

Ella dibujó una flor mustia para su proyecto de arte.

English translation of Ella dibujó una flor mustia para su proyecto de arte.

She drew a withered flower for her art project.

In this sentence, the subject has chosen to draw a withered flower for a project, suggesting a focus on themes of mortality, change, or loss.

Como flor mustia, se desvaneció su esperanza.

English translation of Como flor mustia, se desvaneció su esperanza.

Like a withered flower, his hope faded away.

Here, the metaphor of the withered flower is used to illustrate fading hope or despair.

El poeta describió su amor perdido como una flor mustia.

English translation of El poeta describió su amor perdido como una flor mustia.

The poet described his lost love as a withered flower.

This sentence uses the metaphor of a withered flower to symbolize lost love, suggesting the fade of beauty, vitality and the emotional pain of loss.

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