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flor marchita

English translation of flor marchita

withered flower

The term 'flor marchita' in Spanish translates to 'withered flower' in English. It is a phrase composed of two words -- 'flor' meaning 'flower' and 'marchita' meaning 'withered or faded'. The phrase could metaphorically represent a state of decline or deterioration, or literally reference a flower that has faded or wilted.

Example sentences using: flor marchita

La flor marchita estaba en el jardín.

English translation of La flor marchita estaba en el jardín.

The withered flower was in the garden.

This sentence creates an image of a wilted or dying flower that is in a garden.

La belleza de una flor marchita también puede ser apreciada.

English translation of La belleza de una flor marchita también puede ser apreciada.

The beauty of a withered flower can also be appreciated.

This phrase conveys the thought that even something that is past its prime, like a wilted flower, can still be seen as beautiful.

Una flor marchita no tiene lugar en un ramo fresco.

English translation of Una flor marchita no tiene lugar en un ramo fresco.

A wilted flower has no place in a fresh bouquet.

This sentence expresses the idea that something that has diminished or lost its vitality doesn't belong with things that are still full of life.

El poeta comparó su amor con una flor marchita.

English translation of El poeta comparó su amor con una flor marchita.

The poet compared his love to a withered flower.

In this phrase, the poet is using a wilted flower as a metaphor to describe a love that has faded or diminished.

Aún podía oler la fragancia de la flor marchita.

English translation of Aún podía oler la fragancia de la flor marchita.

He could still smell the fragrance of the withered flower.

This sentence describes someone who could still experience the scent of a flower that has wilted.

Me recordó a una flor marchita bajo el sol árido.

English translation of Me recordó a una flor marchita bajo el sol árido.

It reminded me of a withered flower under the arid sun.

In this example, an image of a wilted flower in a hot, dry environment is used as a comparison to describe something else.

Encontré una flor marchita en mi libro antiguo.

English translation of Encontré una flor marchita en mi libro antiguo.

I found a withered flower in my old book.

This phrase describes someone finding a wilted flower in an old book, suggesting that the flower was used as a bookmark or was kept for sentimental reasons.

Ella sostuvo la flor marchita en su mano.

English translation of Ella sostuvo la flor marchita en su mano.

She held the withered flower in her hand.

This sentence simply states that a woman is holding a wilted flower in her hand.

Viejas canciones y una flor marchita, eso es todo lo que queda.

English translation of Viejas canciones y una flor marchita, eso es todo lo que queda.

Old songs and a withered flower, that's all that remains.

This sentence uses a wilted flower and old songs as metaphors for what is left of something, possibly a relationship or a bygone era.

La esperanza es una flor marchita que aún florece.

English translation of La esperanza es una flor marchita que aún florece.

Hope is a withered flower that still blooms.

This sentence personifies hope as a wilted flower that despite its condition, still manages to bloom.

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