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flor delicada

English translation of flor delicada

delicate flower

The Spanish phrase 'flor delicada' translates to 'delicate flower' in English. A 'flor delicada' refers to a flower that is fragile or gentle, often associated with flowers known for their soft petal textures and delicate nature.

Example sentences using: flor delicada

Ella es una flor delicada.

English translation of Ella es una flor delicada.

She is a delicada flower.

This sentence is using 'flor delicada' metaphorically to describe a woman as being delicate or fragile, common in romantic contexts in literature or conversation.

Como una flor delicada, necesitas cuidarlo con cariño.

English translation of Como una flor delicada, necesitas cuidarlo con cariño.

Like a delicate flower, you need to care for it gently.

In this case, 'flor delicada' is used metaphorically to emphasize the need for carefulness and tenderness when handling certain situations or people.

La flor delicada se marchitó en el invierno.

English translation of La flor delicada se marchitó en el invierno.

The delicate flower withered in the winter.

This sentence is using 'flor delicada' literally, referring to an actual flower that is delicate and unable to survive in harsh winter conditions.

La belleza de la flor delicada es efímera.

English translation of La belleza de la flor delicada es efímera.

The beauty of the delicate flower is fleeting.

This phrase uses 'flor delicada' to comment on the transient nature of beauty, a theme commonly explored in poetry and literature.

El coleccionista tiene una flor delicada que es muy rara.

English translation of El coleccionista tiene una flor delicada que es muy rara.

The collector has a delicate flower that is very rare.

This sentence talks about a figurative 'collector' who possess a 'delicate flower' indicating a rare or precious object or person.

La flor delicada de su amor está en pleno florecimiento.

English translation of La flor delicada de su amor está en pleno florecimiento.

The delicate flower of their love is in full bloom.

In this phrase, the metaphor of 'flor delicada' is used to symbolize a fragile but flourishing love relationship.

La flor delicada en el jardín de mamá es su favorita.

English translation of La flor delicada en el jardín de mamá es su favorita.

The delicate flower in mom's garden is her favorite.

This phrase refers to a literal delicate flower in mother's garden, indicating the mother's affection for the particular flower.

El artista capturó la esencia de la flor delicada en su pintura.

English translation of El artista capturó la esencia de la flor delicada en su pintura.

The artist captured the essence of the delicate flower in his painting.

The sentence describes how an artist is able to depict the essence of a fragile flower through his art.

La flor delicada resalta entre el verde vibrante de las hojas.

English translation of La flor delicada resalta entre el verde vibrante de las hojas.

The delicate flower stands out among the vibrant green of the leaves.

This sentence depicts a scene where a 'delicate flower' is amidst lush green leaves, indicating contrasting imageries.

El poema describe a una mujer como una flor delicada.

English translation of El poema describe a una mujer como una flor delicada.

The poem describes a woman as a delicate flower.

This phrase captures how the metaphor of 'flor delicada' can be used in a poem to portray characteristics of a woman in a softer, more delicate light.

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