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flor artificial

English translation of flor artificial

artificial flower

The term 'flor artificial' in Spanish translates to 'artificial flower' in English. This term consists of two parts; 'flor' refers to 'flower', and 'artificial' directly translates to 'artificial'. It is generally used to refer to a flower that has been artificially made, often from materials such as plastic or silk, rather than a naturally grown one. These types of decorations are popular as they require no maintenance, can be any color, and are not subject to wilting like regular flowers.

Example sentences using: flor artificial

Los niños tienen una colección de flores artificiales.

English translation of Los niños tienen una colección de flores artificiales.

The children have a collection of artificial flowers.

This sentence is a simple statement indicating possession. The plural form of 'flor artificial' - ‘flores artificiales’ is used here because we’re talking about more than one fake flower.

En el cine, Juan lanzó una flor artificial al escenario.

English translation of En el cine, Juan lanzó una flor artificial al escenario.

At the cinema, Juan threw a fake flower onto the stage.

This sentence describes a past event that happened at a specific location (the cinema). The preposition 'al' (a + el) is used before masculine singular nouns.

Mi madre siempre dice que prefiere una flor artificial.

English translation of Mi madre siempre dice que prefiere una flor artificial.

My mother always says she prefers a fake flower.

This sentence expresses someone’s preference. In Spanish, the verb 'preferir' (to prefer) is a stem-changing verb.

La flor artificial en la mesa es muy realista.

English translation of La flor artificial en la mesa es muy realista.

The artificial flower on the table is very realistic.

In this sentence, we’re commenting on the appearance of a specific fake flower. Notice how adjectives (like 'realista') come after the noun in Spanish.

Mi abuela ha encontrado una flor artificial en el jardín.

English translation of Mi abuela ha encontrado una flor artificial en el jardín.

My grandmother has found a fake flower in the garden.

Here, the sentence is using the present perfect tense to describe a past event that is related to the present time.

Muchos restaurantes decoran con una flor artificial.

English translation of Muchos restaurantes decoran con una flor artificial.

Many restaurants decorate with a fake flower.

In this sentence, the subject is a generalized group of people (many restaurants), and we’re talking about a common action: decorate with a fake flower.

Creí que era una flor real, pero era una flor artificial.

English translation of Creí que era una flor real, pero era una flor artificial.

I thought it was a real flower, but it was a fake flower.

This sentence illustrates a mistaken belief using two clauses and the conjunction 'pero' (but). The verb 'creer' is used (to believe) to express the mistaken belief.

Esta no es una flor natural, es una flor artificial.

English translation of Esta no es una flor natural, es una flor artificial.

This is not a natural flower, it's a fake flower.

This sentence contrasts what something is not with what it is using 'no es' (is not) for negation and 'es' (is) for affirmation.

En lugar de una flor real, a veces es mejor una flor artificial.

English translation of En lugar de una flor real, a veces es mejor una flor artificial.

Instead of a real flower, sometimes a fake flower is better.

This sentence proposes a preference for fake flowers in certain situations using 'en lugar de' (instead of) for comparison.

María compra una flor artificial cada semana.

English translation of María compra una flor artificial cada semana.

María buys a fake flower every week.

In this sentence, the speaker is making a general statement about a routine or habitual action of someone named María. Notice how the indefinite article 'una' is used in Spanish (similar to 'a' in English) with singular, countable nouns.

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