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English translation of finca


The Spanish word 'finca' translates to 'estate' in English. In Spanish speaking countries, a 'finca' can refer to a large piece of land, often with a house or farm on it. It is similar to what English speakers would understand as a ranch, plantation, or a large homestead. The word is often used to describe rural properties used for agricultural or farming purposes. However, it can also refer to any property, including urban buildings and houses.

Example sentences using: finca

Mi abuelo vive en una grande finca en el campo.

English translation of Mi abuelo vive en una grande finca en el campo.

My grandfather lives on a large farm in the countryside.

This sentence is talking about the place where someone's grandfather lives. In this case, the grandfather lives on a large farm, which is a piece of land, in the countryside.

Existen muchas fincas de café en Colombia.

English translation of Existen muchas fincas de café en Colombia.

There are many coffee farms in Colombia.

This sentence is stating the fact that in Colombia, a South American country famous for its coffee, there are a lot of farms where coffee is cultivated.

La finca de mi familia se utiliza para cultivar maíz.

English translation of La finca de mi familia se utiliza para cultivar maíz.

My family's farm is used for growing corn.

This sentence suggests how a family farm is used. Here, the farm is utilized to cultivate corn, a common crop grown on farms.

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