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final triste

English translation of final triste

sad ending

The Spanish phrase 'final triste' directly translates to 'sad ending' in English. It is often used to describe the conclusion of a story, movie, or event that concludes with melancholic or depressing results. This phrase is pertinent in contexts where the outcome invokes feelings of sorrow and despair.

Example sentences using: final triste

La película tenía un final triste que no esperábamos.

English translation of La película tenía un final triste que no esperábamos.

The movie had a sad ending that we didn't expect.

In this sentence, 'final triste' is used to describe an unexpected sad ending of a movie.

El libro cuenta la historia de un amor con un final triste.

English translation of El libro cuenta la historia de un amor con un final triste.

The book tells the story of a love with a sad ending.

Here, 'final triste' is used to describe that the love story in the book ends in a sad way.

A pesar de su final triste, la novela fue un éxito.

English translation of A pesar de su final triste, la novela fue un éxito.

Despite its sad ending, the novel was a success.

In this example, 'final triste' refers to the sad ending of the novel, which, despite the sadness it evoked, was successful.

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