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final previsible

English translation of final previsible

predictable outcome

The Spanish phrase 'final previsible' translates to 'predictable outcome' in English. It is a compound noun consisting of 'final' meaning 'end' or 'outcome' and 'previsible' meaning 'predictable' or 'foreseeable'. This phrase is typically used in contexts where the result or end state of a situation or event can be expected or foreseen based on the circumstances leading up to it. This is akin to the English usage of 'predictable outcome', where the term is used to describe a situation where the end result is not surprising given the events leading up to it.

Example sentences using: final previsible

La película tenía un final previsible.

English translation of La película tenía un final previsible.

The movie had a predictable ending.

This sentence refers to a movie that the speaker found to have an ending they could easily predict.

El final previsible del partido decepcionó a los aficionados.

English translation of El final previsible del partido decepcionó a los aficionados.

The predictable end of the match disappointed the fans.

This sentence refers to a sports game that ended in a way that was predictable and thus, disappointing to the fans.

No me gustan las novelas con un final previsible.

English translation of No me gustan las novelas con un final previsible.

I do not like novels with a predictable ending.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their personal preference for novels that end in an unexpected way, rather than in a predictable one.

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