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final inesperado

English translation of final inesperado

unexpected ending

The Spanish term 'final inesperado' translates to 'unexpected ending' in English. In Spanish literature and cinema, it is often used to describe a twist or a conclusion that the audience did not foresee. Beyond the realm of storytelling, it can also be used more broadly to describe the conclusion of any event, situation, or process that ends in a way that no one expected.

Example sentences using: final inesperado

El final inesperado de la película dejó a todos en shock.

English translation of El final inesperado de la película dejó a todos en shock.

The unexpected end of the movie left everyone in shock.

This sentence is used to say that the ending of the film was surprising. 'Dejó a todos en shock' means it left everyone in a state of shock or surprise because it was unexpected.

Fue un final inesperado para nuestra aventura.

English translation of Fue un final inesperado para nuestra aventura.

It was an unexpected ending for our adventure.

This sentence is reflecting on an experience or event that concluded in a manner different than anticipated. 'Fue un final inesperado' means it was an unexpected conclusion or ending, in this case, referring to an adventure or journey.

Su carrera tuvo un final inesperado cuando se lesionó.

English translation of Su carrera tuvo un final inesperado cuando se lesionó.

His career had an unexpected end when he got injured.

This sentence is expressing that someone's work or professional career was suddenly or unexpectedly affected due to an injury. 'Tuvo un final inesperado' means there was an unexpected ending or conclusion, in this case, to someone's career.

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