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final feliz

English translation of final feliz

Happy ending

In Spanish, 'final feliz' translates to 'happy ending' in English. It can be used in literature or film to refer to a conclusion where all loose ends are tied up and all main characters experience a positive outcome or resolution. Similarly, it can be used in real-life situations to represent a satisfactory ending or a solution to a problem or conflict.

Example sentences using: final feliz

Aunque el camino fue difícil, tuvimos un final feliz.

English translation of Aunque el camino fue difícil, tuvimos un final feliz.

Even though the path was tough, we had a happy ending.

This sentence conveys a sense of accomplishment and relief due to a positive outcome after facing challenges. 'Final feliz' is used here to put emphasis on the rewarding conclusion, which is all the more meaningful given the difficulties previously endured.

Todos quieren un final feliz en su vida.

English translation of Todos quieren un final feliz en su vida.

Everyone wants a happy ending in their life.

This sentence represents the universal desire of every person to have a satisfactory conclusion to their life's journey, irrespective of the struggles or hardships they face. In this context, 'final feliz' implies a subject's hope for a happy outcome or resolution in their life.

El libro tiene un final feliz inesperado.

English translation of El libro tiene un final feliz inesperado.

The book has an unexpected happy ending.

This statement is often used when discussing literature. It suggests that despite potential conflicts or suspenseful storylines in the book, it eventually culminated in a positive or pleasing conclusion. Here, 'final feliz' refers to a desirable, often positively surprising, conclusion to the narrative.

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