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filtrar los residuos

English translation of filtrar los residuos

filter waste

The Spanish phrase 'filtrar los residuos' translates to 'filter waste' in English. It's often used in the context of environmental conservation or industrial practices where unwanted materials are separated from the desirable ones via a process known as filtration. This phrase is common in the realm of waste management and water treatment, similar to how it would be used in English.

Example sentences using: filtrar los residuos

Es necesario filtrar los residuos antes de tirar el agua.

English translation of Es necesario filtrar los residuos antes de tirar el agua.

It is necessary to filter the residues before throwing the water.

This phrase is an instruction that explains the need to remove or sieve out impurities from water before disposal.

La planta de tratamiento de agua debe filtrar los residuos para garantizar agua limpia.

English translation of La planta de tratamiento de agua debe filtrar los residuos para garantizar agua limpia.

The water treatment plant must filter the residues to guarantee clean water.

This sentence describes an important function of a water treatment plant, which is to eliminate impurities to ensure the provision of clean water.

Al cambiar el aceite del coche, es importante filtrar los residuos.

English translation of Al cambiar el aceite del coche, es importante filtrar los residuos.

When changing the car oil, it is important to filter the residues.

This phrase advises that when one changes car oil, it is critical to filter out any debris.

Para hacer vino, debes filtrar los residuos del proceso de fermentación.

English translation of Para hacer vino, debes filtrar los residuos del proceso de fermentación.

To make wine, you should filter the residues from the fermentation process.

This example is explaining a procedure in wine making, where residues from the fermentation process need to be filtered out.

El filtro de la cafetera puede filtrar los residuos del café molido.

English translation of El filtro de la cafetera puede filtrar los residuos del café molido.

The coffee maker's filter can filter the residues of ground coffee.

This phrase is describing how coffee makers work, explaining that it can sieve out residues from ground coffee beans.

Hazte un té fino, simplemente tienes que filtrar los residuos de las hojas.

English translation of Hazte un té fino, simplemente tienes que filtrar los residuos de las hojas.

Make yourself a fine tea, you just have to filter the residues of the leaves.

This sentence is instructing on how to make a good cup of tea by removing the residues from the tea leaves.

Mejorarías la calidad del jugo si filtraras los residuos de la fruta.

English translation of Mejorarías la calidad del jugo si filtraras los residuos de la fruta.

You would improve the quality of the juice if you filter the residues of the fruit.

This phrase is giving a suggestion on how to improve juice quality - by filtering out the residues from the fruit.

Podría haber bloqueos si no se llega a filtrar los residuos en las tuberías.

English translation of Podría haber bloqueos si no se llega a filtrar los residuos en las tuberías.

There could be blockages if the residues in the pipes are not filtered.

This phrase is a warning about the potential consequences of not filtering residues from pipes, which could result in blockages.

Para proteger el medio ambiente, debemos filtrar los residuos antes de descargarlos.

English translation of Para proteger el medio ambiente, debemos filtrar los residuos antes de descargarlos.

To protect the environment, we must filter the residues before discharging them.

This sentence is a call to action on the need to remove impurities from waste before discharging, as an effort towards protecting the environment.

Muchas industrias tienen la responsabilidad de filtrar los residuos antes de desecharlos.

English translation of Muchas industrias tienen la responsabilidad de filtrar los residuos antes de desecharlos.

Many industries have the responsibility to filter the residues before disposing of them.

This phrase indicates that it is a responsibility of many industries to filter residues before they are discarded, as part of waste management.

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