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filósofo moralista

English translation of filósofo moralista

moral philosopher

The Spanish term 'filósofo moralista' translates to 'moral philosopher' in English. A moral philosopher generally studies or teaches about topics such as ethics, morals, virtue, ethics, moral psychology, ethical theory, and moral epistemology. It is a professional or academic occupation where the individual philosophically contemplates the nature of human morality, exploring concepts such as right and wrong, good and evil, justice, virtue, and the ethical nature of various actions.

Example sentences using: filósofo moralista

Mi profesor es un filósofo moralista que siempre desafía nuestra forma de pensar.

English translation of Mi profesor es un filósofo moralista que siempre desafía nuestra forma de pensar.

My professor is a moral philosopher who always challenges our way of thinking.

In this example, the moral philosopher is depicted as a professor who encourages students to question their thinking patterns. By describing the professor as this type of philosopher, it suggests he specializes in exploring concepts of right and wrong, and the moral implications of choices and decisions.

Un filósofo moralista como Kant sigue siendo relevante en la sociedad actual.

English translation of Un filósofo moralista como Kant sigue siendo relevante en la sociedad actual.

A moral philosopher like Kant remains relevant in today's society.

This statement is acknowledging the continued significance of Kant, a moral philosopher, in contemporary society. It implies that the ideas of moral philosophers, like Kant, are still applicable and influential in the present-day context.

A diferencia de un filósofo moralista, un político tiene que hacer compromisos a menudo.

English translation of A diferencia de un filósofo moralista, un político tiene que hacer compromisos a menudo.

Unlike a moral philosopher, a politician often has to make compromises.

In this sentence, a contrast is drawn between a moral philosopher and a politician. It indicates that while a moral philosopher might stand firmly by his or her principles, politicians are often pushed to make compromises due to the nature of their work.

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