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English translation of figura


The word 'figura' means 'figure' in English and is used to refer to various context. In mathematics, it can refer to a numerical value (as in 'figure out' which means calculate or solve). It can also refer to an individual's silhouette or shape (for example, 'She has a beautiful figure'). Additionally, in languages and arts, 'figure' could be a significant or notable person, a literary or artistic device, or even a shape in some contexts. Like in English, the versatility of this word in Spanish allows it to fit into numerous contexts, offering a broad range of use.

Example sentences using: figura

Esa figura en el papel es un triángulo.

English translation of Esa figura en el papel es un triángulo.

That figure on the paper is a triangle.

This example sentence demonstrates how 'figura' can refer to a shape or figure in a literal sense, like a triangle on a piece of paper.

¿Cuándo veremos figuras geométricas en matemáticas?

English translation of ¿Cuándo veremos figuras geométricas en matemáticas?

When will we see geometric figures in mathematics?

'Figuras' refers to shapes in Spanish, in this context it is referring to shapes in a mathematical sense such as squares, circles, triangles, etc.

La figura paterna es esencial en la vida de un niño.

English translation of La figura paterna es esencial en la vida de un niño.

The father figure is essential in a child's life.

'Figura' can also refer to a symbolic representation or role in a person's life, in this case, the role of a father.

Esta figura es muy famosa en el mundo del arte.

English translation of Esta figura es muy famosa en el mundo del arte.

This figure is very famous in the art world.

In this context, 'figura' is being used to refer to a person - a notable or famous individual within the art world.

Su figura se veía en la sombra.

English translation of Su figura se veía en la sombra.

His figure was seen in the shadow.

'Figura' can be used to refer to someone's silhouette or physical appearance. In this example, 'figura' refers to a person's silhouette seen in the shadow.

Los niños están aprendiendo a dibujar figuras básicas como círculos y cuadrados.

English translation of Los niños están aprendiendo a dibujar figuras básicas como círculos y cuadrados.

The children are learning to draw basic figures such as circles and squares.

This example is about geometric shapes or figures. Here, 'figura' refers to basic geometric shapes like circles and squares that children are learning to draw.

El objetivo del juego es adivinar la figura en la tarjeta.

English translation of El objetivo del juego es adivinar la figura en la tarjeta.

The objective of the game is to guess the figure on the card.

In this context, 'figura' refers to a picture or symbol that is on a card in a game. The game involves guessing what this figure is.

La figura del maestro es muy importante en la educación.

English translation of La figura del maestro es muy importante en la educación.

The figure of the teacher is very important in education.

This sentence uses 'figura' in a metaphorical or symbolic sense. Here, it represents the role or presence of a teacher, emphasizing their importance in the field of education.

Lucia tiene una figura esbelta.

English translation of Lucia tiene una figura esbelta.

Lucia has a slim figure.

In this case, 'figura' is used to refer to a person's physical shape or body. It implies that Lucia has a slim or thin body shape.

La figura del luchador de sumo es bastante impresionante.

English translation of La figura del luchador de sumo es bastante impresionante.

The figure of the sumo wrestler is quite impressive.

This sentence uses 'figura' to talk about body morphology, specifically of a sumo wrestler, emphasizing its impressive nature.

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