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fiebre alta

English translation of fiebre alta

high fever

The Spanish phrase 'fiebre alta' translates into English as 'high fever'. It is a commonly used term in medical situations or when discussing health and wellness. A 'fiebre alta' refers to a higher than usual body temperature, most often due to illness such as an infection or other medical condition. This phrase is used in Spanish-speaking countries to describe a symptom of being ill, typically when the body temperature is significantly above the average normal of around 98.6°F or 37°C.

Example sentences using: fiebre alta

Cuando fue al médico, le diagnosticaron con fiebre alta.

English translation of Cuando fue al médico, le diagnosticaron con fiebre alta.

When he went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with high fever.

This sentence is used when someone goes to the doctor and receives a diagnosis of high fever. High fever or 'fiebre alta' is usually a symptom of an underlying health condition.

Me siento mal, creo que tengo fiebre alta.

English translation of Me siento mal, creo que tengo fiebre alta.

I feel sick, I think I have a high fever.

This is a statement someone would make if they are feeling unwell, suspecting that they have a high fever. The phrase 'fiebre alta' here is an indication that the person is experiencing a high body temperature.

Mi hijo tiene fiebre alta, necesito llevarlo al hospital.

English translation of Mi hijo tiene fiebre alta, necesito llevarlo al hospital.

My son has a high fever, I need to take him to the hospital.

This sentence is used when a child is experiencing a high fever, necessitating a visit to the hospital. 'Fiebre alta' here refers to a high body temperature which is considered serious, especially in children.

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