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English translation of fetichismo


The word 'fetichismo' is Spanish for 'fetishism'. In English, it typically refers to an extreme and irrational devotion or commitment to something, which could be an object, a concept, or a ritual. This often extends beyond 'ordinary' interest or appreciation and may take on a pathological dimension. In a psychological context, 'fetishism' describes a scenario where a person derives sexual arousal from non-living objects or specific situations.

Example sentences using: fetichismo

El fetichismo puede manifestarse de varias formas en la cultura pop.

English translation of El fetichismo puede manifestarse de varias formas en la cultura pop.

Fetishism can manifest itself in various ways in pop culture.

This sentence is highlighting the broad spectrum that fetishism can cover, indicating that it can come up in different manifestations within popular culture.

El fetichismo religioso se refiere a la adoración de objetos considerados sagrados.

English translation of El fetichismo religioso se refiere a la adoración de objetos considerados sagrados.

Religious fetishism refers to the worship of objects considered sacred.

This sentence refers to the religious context of fetishism, which is connected to the reverence or worship given to objects believed to be sacred.

En la psicología, el fetichismo se entiende como una atracción intensa hacia un objeto o parte del cuerpo.

English translation of En la psicología, el fetichismo se entiende como una atracción intensa hacia un objeto o parte del cuerpo.

In psychology, fetishism is understood as an intense attraction to an object or body part.

This sentence talks about the psychological perspective on fetishism, emphasizing its nature of strong attraction that can be directed towards objects or specific body parts.

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