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English translation of festivo


The Spanish word 'festivo' stands for festive in English. It is primarily used to denote celebration or something related to a festival. For instance, you can use it to describe a festive mood (estado de ánimo festivo), festive season (temporada festiva), or even festive decorations (decoraciones festivas). Just like in English, it is utilised to contribute to a joyous and celebratory context.

Example sentences using: festivo

Hoy es un día festivo en España

English translation of Hoy es un día festivo en España

Today is a holiday in Spain

This sentence is referring to a specific day where it is observed as a holiday or festive day in Spain.

No tengo que trabajar mañana porque es un día festivo

English translation of No tengo que trabajar mañana porque es un día festivo

I don't have to work tomorrow because it is a holiday

In this statement, the speaker indicates they don't have to work the following day due to it being a recognized holiday.

El calendario festivo de este año incluye muchas celebraciones

English translation of El calendario festivo de este año incluye muchas celebraciones

This year's holiday calendar includes many celebrations

This sentence refers to the annual calendar which includes different celebrations or holidays.

La ciudad está muy tranquila durante el período festivo

English translation of La ciudad está muy tranquila durante el período festivo

The city is very quiet during the holiday period

In this case, the term 'festivo' is used to describe a specific period of the year during which holidays are observed.

El próximo festivo es el Día de la Independencia

English translation of El próximo festivo es el Día de la Independencia

The next holiday is Independence Day

This sentence anticipates the next day to be observed as a holiday, in this case, Independence Day.

Este festivo se celebra en honor a la Virgen María

English translation of Este festivo se celebra en honor a la Virgen María

This holiday is celebrated in honor of the Virgin Mary

Here, the holiday or 'festivo' is being described as a celebration in honor of the Virgin Mary.

Debido a un festivo local, las tiendas abrirán más tarde

English translation of Debido a un festivo local, las tiendas abrirán más tarde

Due to a local holiday, stores will open later

This phrase explains a change in store operating hours due to a local celebration or holiday.

La semana festiva incluye música, baile y comida tradicional

English translation of La semana festiva incluye música, baile y comida tradicional

The festive week includes music, dance, and traditional food

This phrase describes a week-long celebration or 'festive week' featuring various activities.

La ciudad se ilumina durante la temporada festiva

English translation of La ciudad se ilumina durante la temporada festiva

The city lights up during the festive season

This phrase is describing the city's transformation during the holiday or festive season.

Es un vestido muy festivo con colores brillantes y lentejuelas

English translation of Es un vestido muy festivo con colores brillantes y lentejuelas

It's a very festive dress with bright colors and sequins

Here, 'festivo' is used to describe a dress that is suitable or designed for a festive occasion.

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