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English translation of fertilizar


The Spanish word 'fertilizar' translates to 'fertilize' in English. It is a verb that means to make (an egg, female animal, or plant) fertile or (of an egg, female animal, or plant) become fertile. In other words, it is the action of causing something to become fertile, often in terms of agriculture, where it refers to the application of plant or animal waste to soil in order to increase its fertility and promote plant growth.

Example sentences using: fertilizar

Ellos deben fertilizar los campos para obtener una mejor cosecha.

English translation of Ellos deben fertilizar los campos para obtener una mejor cosecha.

They must fertilize the fields to get a better harvest.

In this sentence, the term 'fertilize' is used in its most literal sense, referring to the act of applying a natural or synthetic substance to soil or land to increase its fertility and assist in the growth of crops.

Es tiempo de fertilizar el jardín para que las flores crezcan.

English translation of Es tiempo de fertilizar el jardín para que las flores crezcan.

It's time to fertilize the garden so the flowers can grow.

This phrase is self-explanatory, it simply means applying fertilizers to the garden to aid the growth of the flowers.

La compañía decidió fertilizar la tierra antes de plantar los árboles.

English translation of La compañía decidió fertilizar la tierra antes de plantar los árboles.

The company decided to fertilize the land before planting trees.

In this context, 'fertilize' means applying fertilizers to improve the land's productivity before the planting process begins.

Vamos a fertilizar el suelo para tener buenos tomates.

English translation of Vamos a fertilizar el suelo para tener buenos tomates.

We are going to fertilize the soil to have good tomatoes.

Here, 'fertilize' is used to indicate the act of enriching the soil to enhance the growth and quality of tomatoes.

Es esencial fertilizar los cultivos para maximizar la producción.

English translation of Es esencial fertilizar los cultivos para maximizar la producción.

It is essential to fertilize crops to maximize production.

This phrase states that applying fertilizers to crops is crucial for achieving maximum agricultural yield.

Deberías fertilizar tus plantas cada tres meses.

English translation of Deberías fertilizar tus plantas cada tres meses.

You should fertilize your plants every three months.

In this case, 'fertilize' refers to a suggested routine of plant care.

Podemos fertilizar nuestro jardín con compost natural.

English translation of Podemos fertilizar nuestro jardín con compost natural.

We can fertilize our garden with natural compost.

Here, 'fertilize' is used to suggest the use of natural compost as a means to enrich the garden's soil.

Al fertilizar los campos, los agricultores aseguran una cosecha saludable.

English translation of Al fertilizar los campos, los agricultores aseguran una cosecha saludable.

By fertilizing the fields, farmers ensure a healthy harvest.

In this example, 'fertilize' is shown as a crucial activity undertaken by farmers to ensure the health of their crops and robustness of their harvest.

No te olvides de fertilizar las plantas de interior durante el invierno.

English translation of No te olvides de fertilizar las plantas de interior durante el invierno.

Don't forget to fertilize the indoor plants during the winter.

This phrase provides advice on plant care, here 'fertilize' refers to the need of indoor plants for extra nutrients during the winter months.

Los jardineros van a fertilizar el parque esta semana.

English translation of Los jardineros van a fertilizar el parque esta semana.

The gardeners are going to fertilize the park this week.

In this example, 'fertilize' is used to describe a task that the gardeners will be doing to improve the health and appearance of the park's greenery.

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